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The Healing Garden

Nurture in Nature

This beautiful garden serves as the setting for Reiki instruction, sessions, and children's workshops. Enjoy these photos from throughout the seasons!

The Story of The Healing Garden

When my mom retired in 2013 after decades of work as a nursing administrator for the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor hospitals, she set about transforming her backyard into a beautiful garden sanctuary. Starting with a blank slate, she created a plan and completed nearly all the work herself—an incredible feat! Each path, each planting, a labor of love. She learned all she could from other gardeners, experts at nurseries, volunteering at the local arboretum, and even earning Advanced Master Gardener certification.


After my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2018, I regularly traveled to Michigan from my home in Minneapolis, spending weeks at a time to care for her. I also tended to the garden.


At first, this was a daunting task. But my mom taught me, and the garden did, too. I began to smile at each new blossom. I connected to the beautiful energy of being surrounded by living things. I cared for the garden, and the garden cared for me. The "work" became a joy, and as I weeded, watered, and planted I would sometimes see my mom knowingly smiling at me. She knew I had fallen in love.


After my mom passed away in 2019, my husband and I bought her house, moved to Ann Arbor, and became the garden's new caretakers. My mom knew of our plans, and it gave her great peace to know that her beloved garden would stay in the family.


Since that time, we've continued painting the canvas, and the garden has further transformed. We added a Japanese garden area and a second fairy garden. We installed new fountains and several statues. But the heart of the garden remains—a beautiful, healing sanctuary. 


Now, along with a nearby sunroom, the garden serves as the setting for Reiki instructions, sessions, and children's Reiki workshops. As a nurse, my mom spent a lifetime helping others to heal. The urban greenspace hat she created helps me to carry on that legacy in a beautiful way. I invite you to visit the magical Healing Garden soon!

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